ClickFunnels Actionetics - How to start using it?

With the vast array of marketing integrations, ClickFunnels made possible for its users, the choice of selections is unlimited.

And this is no different when it comes to integrating third-party email providers. 

From Aweber to more powerful automation tools like Getresponse, ActiveCampaign, Convertkit, or Drip, you get the chance to decide which one to use with ClickFunnels.

However, ClickFunnels actually has its in-built automation tool called Actionetics MD which ultimately helps online business owners and sales funnel builders (specifically) to move potential customers to make purchase decisions in their sales funnel.

In this ClickFunnels Actionetics review, we shall look at this automation tool, its amazing features and know whether it is worth upgrading your ClickFunnels account to Platinum Plan or worth switching away from your current email service provider.

Without wasting more of your time, let’s find that out.

What Is ClickFunnels Actionetics MD?

Actionetics (Follow-Up Funnel) is an in-built ClickFunnels email marketing software that’s designed to seamlessly work with your sales funnel system and be able to communicate effectively with your dream customers.

Like other incredible email tools out there, It gives you the flexibility of creating lists and storing unlimited email contacts, sending out both broadcast and automated email sequences. 

It goes an extra length in scoring your lead’s performance across your entire funnel. That means you’re able to score each lead engagement according to their actions, demographics, or psychographics which can then be used to make data-driven decisions to further personalize your marketing messages.

That said, the Actionetics is not available on the regular ClickFunnels pricing plan at $97/month. However, to have access to this email tool, you need to sign up or upgrade your account to the ClickFunnels Platinum Plan which costs $297/month

…And not only that, but you also get access to the affiliate management tool called Backpack, all inside of the ClickFunnels ecosystem.

As you can see, the tools and their features don’t come cheap for faint-hearted marketers. But, it is well worth every penny if you’re thirsting for the best email service to run your business online.

Read more: Clickfunnels $19 Plan

Why Using Actionetics For Your Business?

It’s obvious that everyone wants a fantastic email marketing tool to collect and store contacts, send broadcast emails, build relationships that matter with subscribers through automation, and be able to do so much more.

However, with ClickFunnels offering effective email services like other popular email providers out there, why should you still choose Actionetics as your preferred email tool? 

Let’s quickly go over some incredible benefits that come with using ClickFunnels Actionetics MD to power your email marketing business:

Unlimited Email Contacts With Actionetics

Truth be told, it’s rare to see any email marketing tools that offer unlimited contacts at a single price point as Actionetics does with its platform.

In most cases, what you’ll find out there is the pricing plans which are structured in a way that continues to scale with your business as you grow in List size.

To fully understand these pricing structures in action in these five popular email providers, let’s compare the cost of having 10,000 email contacts.

In the ActiveCampaign email tool, you got to pay $399 for 10,000 subscribers

In the Convertkit email tool, you got to pay $167 for 10,000 subscribers.

In the Getresponse email tool, you got to pay $165 for 10,000 subscribers.

In the Keep (Infusionsoft) email tool, you got to pay $300 for 10,000 subscribers.

In the Aweber email tool, you got to pay $149 for 10,000 subscribers.

As you can see from the pricing examples above, it’s obvious that you continue to pay higher as your business experiences email list growth. 

Assuming your list exceeds 10,000 email subscribers, your monthly charges will move up as well to the point where you begin to pay several thousands of dollars per month. 

Keep in mind that this pricing greatly depends on the email automation tool you selected for your business. Yes, each email provider comes with different price tags for their email services.

Luckily, those that choose ClickFunnels Actionetics as their preferred email software get unlimited contacts with their account, and at no extra monthly costs.

It doesn’t matter whether you have 1 or 1,000,000+ email subscribers, ClickFunnels stands to scale with you and allow its customers to fully implement email marketing strategies and elevate their online business game.

Smart Lists For Automatic Email Segmentation

Smart lists from Actionetics are undoubtedly one of the best email marketing features any marketers can use to automatically segment leads and customers into their respective lists based on certain rules you specify in your sales funnel.

The way Smart Lists works inside ClickFunnels is by applying some pre-defined rules for each subscriber and once anyone meets the requirements, they’re instantly removed and added to another list as per your goals.

Let’s say, for example, you have a $7 tripwire offer and a high ticket offer that cost $997 to get access to – all fully set up inside your sales funnel.

For every new lead that purchases your tripwire offer, Actionetics MD will automatically move them to another list (Customers List) where you can further offer them the high-priced product. 

While at the same time those that reject the offer will be subscribed to the initial list where you can convert them into paid customers. 

You get that right?

There’s no specific order in using these said rules, but to get the best results, you can mix them to meet your marketing needs. 

Below are the possible set of rules found inside the ClickFunnels Actionetics email tool:

Funnel Rules: This can be used for matching a contact once they visit a specific funnel step in your funnel.

Contact Rules: This can be used for matching a contact by tagging, fields like email, country, and also action score.

Broadcast Rules: This can be used to separate contacts who opened, never opened or ignored an email.

Email Step Rules: This can be used for matching a contact who opened a specific email.

Social Rules: This can be used to filter out contacts with most social followers.

List Rules: This can be applied to define which contact belongs to which list.

Product Rules: This can be used for matching a contact who purchased a specific product in your funnel.

To drive home the right point, ClickFunnels Actionetics MD eliminates the hassles of manually adding and removing contacts into separate lists as your leads engage with your funnel.

Twilio Integration For Text Messages Campaign

If you’re a marketer targeting your ideal customers through various marketing channels, then you’re gonna love Actionetics for the capabilities of sending text message campaigns with third-party tools like Twilio once they’re in your sales funnel.

The integration with the Twilio messaging tool comes in handy most especially for high ticket closers, digital marketing agencies, and marketing consultants to effectively reach and communicate with their potential customers.

Not only will this option help you to generate leads from your targeted traffic, but also allow you to acquire their phone numbers as well for inbound callings and messaging. 

Isn’t this cool enough dude?

Swift Actionetics Email Delivery

Another beneficial feature that makes ClickFunnels Actionetics superior to use for both new and existing customers is the fact of having quality email deliverability. 

How do they achieve this higher deliverability rate when compared with other popular automation tools like ActiveCampaign?

Simple! Actionetics employs the use of SMTP services for its users to send and deliver mails without having to worry about hitting the spam folder of their subscribers.

Email platforms such as ActiveCampaign, Convertkit, and others aren’t in favor of affiliate marketing. They fear customers sharing the same server from abusing their integrated SMTP service for delivering mails.

That reminds me back to the time when MailChimp blocked my account for including a single affiliate link inside one of my email campaigns. And in no time, they immediately restrict me from using the full service… too bad buddy!

So, to avoid deliverability issues, ClickFunnels software partnered with services like Mailgun to send any type of marketing messages full of affiliate links.

Even if you experience issues with one SMTP platform, you’ve got the chance to switch away and integrate another service with your Actionetics account.

ClickFunnels Actionetics Features – An Insider Look

There’s no better way to feel the incredible features of ClickFunnels Actionetics than showing you the insider look and what you’re going to meet once you’re inside the dashboard:


The first ClickFunnels Actionetics feature you’ll be welcomed with from the drop-down menu inside your account is the Contact Profiles dashboard.

The primary function here is to show you the full list of all email subscribers you’ve generated from your marketing funnels along with their full profile information presented to you in a tabular form.

Not only will you be able to see the total number of subscribed contacts, but you’ll also access the purchase history and engagements of each of your contacts with your funnels along with details like action scores, memberships, followers, etc.

This is perfect if you’re curious to know who has bought something from you in the past or may want to check if you’re building responsive email contacts for your business.

Email Lists

The email lists dashboard lets you create and organize your lists better by using custom group tags. You also have a further chance of applying the Smart List feature when creating a new list.

As I’ve discussed earlier, enabling Smart Lists helps to ease your lists segmentation process as this continues to work dynamically without you lifting a finger once created.

Email List Step

This is why I suggest you carefully plan ahead on how you’re going to group the rules and when to trigger them in your funnel. Going back later to update these settings is impossible once you hit the Create New List button.

With that being said, the only option you have to make changes to is to create a new email list which may not be an ideal solution especially when you’re time-constrained.


The ClickFunnels Actionetics broadcast feature works in the same manner as other email marketing tools out there.

As you’ve already known, the purpose of broadcast is to send one-off messages or pass across important and time-sensitive information to your subscribers.

And let’s not forget that emails like this don’t fit to be part of automation sequences in any form. 

Let me ask you when was the last time you automated the latest blog post or weekly email newsletter that was supposed to be sent immediately? I bet you haven’t wasted any time to get eyeballs on those emails.

With this feature inside your Actionetics account, you have the flexibility to either send your broadcast emails to the whole subscribers or a specific contacts list without cracking your brain. Also, you can decide whether it should be sent immediately or need to be scheduled for later.

So, to get you started creating Actionetics Broadcast Emails, you begin by clicking on the +New Email Broadcast button.

Broadcast Step 1

On the next page, enter the email subject line, select the broadcast list to be sent, configure the SMTP service to use, input the test email address and finally choose whether to send it now or later.

Broadcast Step 2

Your next step is to click on the templates, choose the one that fits the theme of your broadcast email, and finally click on Use This Template. Then, the preview of the template will be shown which you can click on Open Email Editor for the editing.

Broadcast Step 4

Keep in mind that Actionetics hasn’t allowed its users to send plain text emails yet. This is why you need to pick 1 out of the 12 templates provided to you.

What makes the editor a no-brainer to use is the fact that it works similar to the ClickFunnels funnel editor. With that, you have the edge to edit and design the chosen template to your taste version and make it your own.

Action Funnels

No doubt, the Action Funnels feature is the heart and soul of Actionetics email software. It powers the backend of the ClickFunnels automation engine and lets you have a full understanding of how your sales funnel is performing on a deeper level.

To harness the power of Action Funnels (previously called Follow-Up Funnels) for your marketing business, start by clicking the Create Action Funnels button.

Action Funnel Step 1

On the pop-up box, enter the name for the Action Funnels, assign a group tag and select the desired list to connect with from the drop-down.

On the next page, you need to follow the Action Funnels setup process and that begins with creating Action since none of the steps has been created before. 

Click on the +Add First Step button which will prompt a pop-up where you’re going to set the name of the step, the specific date or time you want the action to begin. Lastly, choose whether you want to Send an Email, TXT Message, or Do Action.

Action Funnel Step 2

The first action trigger “Send Email” step is very simple to set up in that it works the same way as that of broadcast emails. Fill in the required fields, choose your template, and voila, you’re done.

Action Funnel Step 3

The second trigger “TXT Message” setup required integrations with Twilio for sending text messages campaign and Pushcrew for enabling push notification in your sales funnel.

However, if you select the action trigger “Do Action” step, you’ll need to perform various setups in which you decide the integrations, group the rules, and select the list to associate with.

To finally make the Action Funnels start its magic, set it to go Live. Once you do that, you’ll be able to see supporting data to help you understand how your Action Funnels are performing and how many times each step has been triggered in your sales funnel.

ClickFunnels Actionetics MD Pricing

As you’ve already known, Actionetics software is only available for the customers on the ClickFunnels’ Platinum Plan which costs $297/month.

While there are currently no discounts that you can apply directly, there’s a secret offer you can sign up with to fully gain access to ClickFunnels and its in-built autoresponder software at a reduced price.

So, the best-recommended offer to go with if you want ClickFunnels Actionetics to power your email marketing campaigns is the Funnel Hacking Secrets program.

With the Funnel Hacking Secrets offer, you’ll be able to save $1,570 for the whole year. Apart from that, you also get access to every ClickFunnels tools under the moon:

  • Funnel builder
  • Actionetics
  • Backpack
  • Funnel Script tool…

…and lots more including their multi-million dollar funnel strategies.

If you’re primed enough to use Actionetics while saving big in the process, then check out the FREE web class by clicking the button below:

--> View now: Funnel Hacking Secrets

Actionetics vs ActiveCampaign: Comparing Their Distinctions

There are no particular ways of comparing the two together, but each one of these tools has got few different advantages that make them unique for their potential users.

To see what I’m talking about, let’s go over the advantages of using ActiveCampaign software:

The first edge is ActiveCampaign’s automation builder is one of the slick and powerful features for online marketers. 

Designing the flow of your customers’ journey with ActiveCampaigneasy and flawless, and the outcome is visually beautiful. 

Actionetics is by a bit lacking when compared with what ActiveCampaign offers in terms of the visual campaign builder.

The second edge is, ActiveCampaign can segment your contacts list using custom fields. This takes your automation system to a whole new level. But with Actionetics, there’s nothing like this feature.

Despite the points above, Actionetics software does have its advantages over ActiveCampaign which are:

Firstly, Actionetics MD is directly built right inside ClickFunnels to simply power your email marketing systems without needing or integrating any third-party email tool like ActiveCampaign.

What that means is that you’ve everything under control and the streamlined process further helps to run your entire marketing system from one platform.

Secondly, Actionetics MD was significantly built to scale with your business as you grow bigger, even though it’s expensive for those just starting.

When you carefully look at it, no matter how big your business grows in list size, the ClickFunnels Actionetics pricing will still be fixed at $297/month, while the growth of your list costs you a bit higher according to the ActiveCampaign pricing structure.

Final Verdicts On ClickFunnels Actionetics

So, the important question now is;

Should you upgrade or sign up (new customer) for the ClickFunnels email automation tool? 

This decision greatly depends on you and what you currently use to power your marketing business.

If you’re a marketer that wants everything to be under one roof without the hassles of going back and forth between 2 to 3 different software, then I recommend you go with the Actionetics tool as it has everything needed to properly run your business.

With Actionetics MD, you get to personalize your follow-up messages and even be able to tailor them to specific funnels in your sales process. See the live example of ClickFunnes Actionetics training in action by Russell Brunson:
